Thursday, 22 September 2011

Newbrook Road closure - day 11

After yesterdays 2000 strong march in protest of the shade of grey used on the Marlborough Road emergency swing gate, you would have thought things would have calmed down. Returning home from Westminster battered and bruised from the obvious Police brutality residents of Newbrook Road bedded down for a night of heavy snooze.

7am, the sun peels back the night clouds and casts its orange glow on a newly dug hole at the bottom of your driveway. Cars still on drives.

"Who digs a hole a the bottom of a drive when the cars are still up it?"
"My Gaffer"
"Can I speak to your Gaffer?"
"He's down the road"
"I'll go and find him"
", don't. I'll pass on a message"
"Your the Gaffer aren't you"
"No, no I'm not. That's silly"
-walks away quickly-

This was Tuesday. Hilariously the letter informing about the hole digging arrived today. This has caused more fighting. The death toll has now risen to seven.

In other news the Government has sent everyone affected by the bridge closure a .GIF to show how seriously they're taking the situation and serve as a warning.


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