++== records have painfully (surely you mean painstakingly? – no) put together a classic collection of this! Entitled ‘What The Fuck Is Going On?’ for the first time artists such a Ken, Quim Barreiros and Les Baxter share a billing and give you joy and other pleasures. So dive in and enjoy as we all exclaim ‘what the fuck is going on?!’
Les likes food! Constantly cooking when he writes Les told us that he made 14 omlettes just thinking about this track! What a good use of eggs!
02 Lars Kristerz – Sweet Child O Mine
Larz-Kristerz is a Swedish dansband founded in Älvdalen, Sweden in 2001, and winner of the 2008 edition of Dansbandskampen. The band is known to prefer Hagström instruments and PA systems. Hem till dig famously stopped U2's No Line On the Horizon from reaching number 1, the only country where the album did not reach this position. This song has been covered many times by Guns and Roses.
03 Devastating Dave – Zip Zap Rap

Fact: The third ‘no’ Dave raps in the intro is actually spelt ‘know’. I think I can speak for us all when I say the mind boggles at the power of music.
04 Ken – I want to live my life for Jesus
Well what can you say about Ken?
05 Menudo - Não Se Reprima
Menudo was a Puerto Rican boy band that was formed in the 1970s by producer Edgardo Ian Díaz. The band was a starting point for stars like Ricky Martin, Pol Pot and Robi Draco Rosa, who were members during their youth.
‘Não Se Reprima’ is a rant about fish stocks in the boys local supermarket.
06 Faye Richmonde - Tony's Got Hot Nuts
One of the first choice cuts from the groundbreaking ‘My Pussy Belongs To Daddy’ album. Faye Richmond here tells the story of a young Tony Knowles and his struggle to earn a crust after his professional snooker career ended.
Yes he is!
08 Swamp Dogg – That Aint My Wife

The cover features Swamps giant pet rat Phil Mitchell. Phil is Swamps wife.
09 Saul T. Peter - I Tried It Everywhere
I can hardly begin to explain how well crafted this second song from the ‘My Pussy Belongs To Daddy’ album is.
10 Red White and the Country Gospel Singers - Jesus Use Me
Red Whites favourite colours were actually red and white! This cover of a the Faith Tones standard gave birth to the oversized 80’s t-shirt boom when a young Michael J Fox was pictured wearing the slogan ‘Jesus Use My Every Hole!”
In most of his songs, Quim makes extensive use of double entendre, often with obvious sexual suggestions! One of Quim Barreiros' biggest hits was "A Garagem da Vizinha" (The [Female] Neighbour's Garage), which is a metaphor for the female genitalia, but he is also known for hits such as "Mariazinha", where he asks a woman named Mariazinha to let him smell her "codfish".
12 Miss Dee - Things Are Soft For Grandma
The final track from ‘Pussy’. Miss Dee is actually Pele’s grandson. The song was no. 1 in Brazil for 15 years.
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